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Ever spent a long time on creating a video, only to freeze before clicking “Publish”? Last week, I received a call with a lady. She’s 40 years old, a mother of two, a wife, and has a fitness business. She reached out to me and said, “Lucas, I have been trying to do videos for

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It is said that the most common fear is the fear of public speaking – even greater than the fear of death!! And it’s within that, that there lies a lot of potential for everyone to achieve their greatness. Being an Anxiety Coach, I address many different situations, all rooted in fear and the beliefs

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Happy Valentines Day! So you want to become a confident public speaker because it will: *Help you make a greater impact in the world *Build your business as you attract more ideal clients *Is a business superpower because most people fear it so when you speak, you’re instantly positioned as an Expert in your Industry…

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In networking, many things hold people back from becoming master public speakers. Let me share with you how you can move past them so you can get your message out there in a bigger way. The paradigm shift you need to take on to increase your public speaking skills is to know this one thing:

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One of the biggest pieces I’ve seen with my clients especially in their mastermind is getting down to the core of alignment and authenticity. Before, I would always wear blazers and dress shirts. Now, you would always see me wearing t-shirts. This is a big sign for me because it’s been a transformation. I’ve had

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As entrepreneurs, we were put on this planet to make an impact by becoming a thought leader. In that way, our platform will grow and we can create our dream life. One of the top reasons why most entrepreneurs never achieve this goal is the lack of a community behind them. After all, nobody makes

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